The annual International Workshop on Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) Accelerators for 2013 will be
held at the TRIUMF Laboratory on the campus of the University of British
Columbia from September 21-24. Thus it will follow immediately after the
(also to be held in Vancouver), and a week
before the (starting
September 29).
In view of the similarity of FFAGs and cyclotrons - both in beam dynamics
and in technology - we hope that this juxtaposition will encourage FFAG
Workshop delegates to attend the Cyclotron Conference as well (and
vice-versa) - and that the exchange of ideas will be of mutual benefit.
Topics will include beam dynamics, hardware, and the application of FFAGs
in areas such as particle physics, cancer therapy, ADSRs, and medical and
industrial irradiation.
Accommodation has been reserved at the TRIUMF guest house nearby.
